
We were devastated when Hurricane Harvey wrecked havoc on Port Aransas. Sadly, our coffee shop in Port Aransas was a total loss. The front door was knocked down by a wall of seaweed & trash. At least 3 feet of heavy flooding came in the shop, not to mention all the wind and rain.

After the shock and heartbreak, we went hard into clean up and rebuild.  We had our two littles come see the the damage and the rebuild process. They may not remember, but now we have photos to show them as we tell the story years from now.

The greatest memory is that of serving the community fresh cowboy coffee made on our sidewalk that we gave away for free. We donated hundreds of pounds of coffee that brought incredible love and comfort to so many hurting people.
-David Bendett, Owner

The Comeback

With help from amazing volunteers, our favorite contractor, and a very supportive landlord, we were able to remodel and open for business four months later! The great thing about remodeling is that we got to make all of the changes we had longed to make over the years! Here are just a few of the changes-

  • Expanded kitchen
  • Improved bar layout
  • Office space
  • Increased seating options




The quote on the wall is something I came up with and something I believe down deep. I pray it brings hope to all who come in our shop. – Amber Bendett

May our shop serve as a place of peace, rest, and normalcy amidst the recovery process in Port Aransas.

We can’t always stop the storms of life, but we can always trust the one who creates beauty once again